Parent Guidelines

Parent Social Media Guidelines

Classroom blogs and other social media are powerful tools that open up communication between students, parents, and teachers. This kind of communication and collaboration can have a huge impact on learning. X School District encourages parents to view and participate by adding comments to classroom projects when appropriate. 


Parents are required to adhere to the following guidelines:


  1. Parents should expect communication from teachers prior to their child’s involvement in any project using online social media applications, i.e., blogs, wikis, podcast, etc.

  2. Parents will need to sign a release form for students when teachers set up social media activities for classroom use.

  3. Parents will not attempt to destroy or harm any information online.  
  4. Parents will not use classroom social media sites for any illegal activity, including violation of data privacy laws.
  5. Parents are highly encouraged to read and/or participate in social media projects.
  6. Parents should not distribute any information that might be deemed personal about other students participating in the social media project.
  7. Parents should not upload or include any information that does not also meet the Student Guidelines.