

Page history last edited by Karen Montgomery 14 years, 4 months ago

Social Media Guidelines for Schools


This is a collaborative project to generate Social Media Guidelines for school districts.  The goal of this guideline is to provide instructional employees, staff, students, administrators, parents and the school district community direction when using social media applications both inside and outside the classroom.

Contributors - If you can contribute in any way to this wiki please add your name to the Contributor's page.

X District Social Media Guidelines  

The X School District realizes that part of 21st century learning is adapting to the changing methods of communication.  The importance of teachers, students and parents engaging, collaborating, learning, and sharing in these digital environments is a part of of 21st century learning .  To this aim, X School District has developed the following guideline to provide direction for instructional employees, students and the school district community when participating in online social media activities. Whether or not an employee chooses to participate in a blog, wiki, online social network or any other form of online publishing or discussion it is his or her own decision. Free speech protects educators who want to participate in social media, but the laws and courts have ruled that schools can discipline teachers if their speech, including online postings, disrupts school operations.  The X School District social media guidelines encourage employees to participate in online social activities. But it is important  to create an atmosphere of trust and individual accountability, keeping in mind that information produced by X School District teachers and students is a reflection on the entire district and is subject to the district's Acceptable Use Policy.  By accessing, creating or contributing to any blogs, wikis, or other social media for classroom or district use, you agree to abide by these guidelines. Please read them carefully before posting or commenting on any blog or creating any classroom blog, wiki and/or podcast. 

Faculty & Staff Guidelines 

Student Guidelines

Parent Guidelines 

District Recommended Social Media Sites  

Examples of Social Media Permission Forms

Helpful Links 

Contributor's Page


Social Media Guidelines is a collaborative wiki project.  All information and search engine marketing materials, unless otherwise indicated, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Comments (9)

suifaijohnmak said

at 6:45 am on Apr 8, 2010

I greatly appreciate the intention & efforts in preparing these guidelines, they sound useful for schools. I am not sure however how students would view these guidelines. If there are too many rules which are perceived as constraints on them, why would they take the risks in sharing their views, identity & reputation online (especially if they are not skillful enough to present in writing "professionally")?
For many students, blogging provides them with a space to voice their opinions, though they need to be responsible for what they say and express, and should respect each others' views. So, if we think engagement in social media is impacting on schools & community to such an extent, would it be better to discuss these matters in open forums before we even start to "develop such guidelines" IMHO. This would ensure that all parties concerned have a common sharing of understanding of the vision, mission & responsibility, and the need of social media in learning, a voice, if I would say, to ensure that these guidelines are used for promoting the use of social media instead of being viewed as an imposition of rules that may hinder people from using it.
Thanks again for sharing such great initiative.

Bob Furst said

at 8:57 am on Apr 10, 2010

@suifaijohnmak, it seems that what you ask "discuss these matters in open forums" is exactly what is going on here. This wiki is an open forum whereby folks can contribute and comment. Be aware that both students and practicing educators are engaged in learning these 21st century skills. Utilizing them efficiently and appropriately is the end goal.

suifaijohnmak said

at 10:14 pm on Apr 10, 2010

@Bob, I agreed. What I think is important is to ensure that the voices are heard, not only in the drafting of guidelines, but more importantly in how they perceive as constructive comments and how they would contribute and learn through social media and networking. We could develop rules and guidelines, from an instituional and community point of view, and implement them.

I applause and fully support the development of these guidelines. I would suggest to include a forum discussion on our shared vision, mission towards the innovative use of social media and networking in learning. This would ensure a safe, but personalised learning environment that is conducive to our learning. In this respect, we are encouraging our learners and educators to be proactive in sharing their learning in social media, rather than telling them what they shouldn't do, as such acts would violate the guidelines or rules. This would also help to avoid or minimise sarcasm or destructive criticism or comments which are too apparent and common in the comments in media like YouTube, Blogs, Facebook or Myspace, often with people disguising themselves in the form of Avatars, or somebody else who don't want to take any responsibility in making their comments.

suifaijohnmak said

at 10:15 pm on Apr 10, 2010

So, education starts with sharing, discussion and understanding amongst everyone involved, and this would also help people in understanding the ground rules in social networking and learning.
In education, if we want to encourage positive, constructive social learning, prevention is better than cure. If education is perceived as means of educating our next generation to become responsible global citizens, contributing to the society through collaborative learning, then what we need would be more supportive education and learning, with rules and guidelines as a basis only.

suifaijohnmak said

at 10:15 pm on Apr 10, 2010

Would that also be our responsibility as educators, parents and education authority, and learners? We all have a role to play. Education and learning is everyone's responsibility. May we let our learners reflect and voice what they think are important and valuable for their education and learning too?

How about initiating some interesting, engaging educational activiites to embrace these guidelines? There are lots of educational games that would inspire people to reflect upon their involvement, comments, and how other people would feel about them, that would develop the skill of empathy.

Thanks again for your comments Bob.

suifaijohnmak said

at 9:43 am on Apr 12, 2010

How about this presentation? http://www.slideshare.net/avarry/digital-natives-presentation-3685513 Do you find it useful?

suifaijohnmak said

at 8:49 am on Apr 22, 2010

This resource sounds useful http://networkedblogs.com/390ri

suifaijohnmak said

at 8:57 am on Apr 22, 2010

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